basketball drills
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HOOPZONE has provided this section of our site for our players and coaches to get their skills to the next level. At our camps athletes have been using many of these drills for years with great results. Our drills are for the youngest Hooper up through the highest level. These drills can have tremendous value to any player providing they focus on the little details every time, over and over again.
The time spent doing practice drills over and over again at a game tempo is where players really develop their game and get rid of bad habits. If players run through a drill just to get through it and are not focused then there is little value. Learn and understand the drill before beginning and practice at game tempo
Below you’ll find our complete drill list, some are text explanation, some are with diagrams and others have video. Whatever drill you choose to consider make sure you understand what it is you are doing, use proper fundamentals, execute the details and use game tempo when practicing.

Passing Drills:
MULTIPLE DRILLS Easy to follow these basic drills have been around for ages, text format.
STAR Easy to do for ages 8 and up, fast paced utilizing multiple passing types.
4 CORNERS Can make the box as big or small as you like, alter shopting types make it a great.
MACHINE GUN Lots of quick passing with one person shuffle up and down passing line.
MIDDLE MAN This passing drill is meant to overload the middle player and work on pivoting.
2 LINE A drill everyone uses that doesn't grow old, change pass type and distance between lines.
CIRCLE FIRE Great drill as players must concentrate on passing ands receiving a pass.
2 CIRCLE This short pass drill teaches players to use soft passes and periferal vision.
HIGH POST This drill works on passing to high post with forward defense.
3 MAN WEAVE Great for practice and pre-game, lots of movement with passingand shooting.
3 ON 3 Dribbling is not allowed in this drill so it will cause players to be more percise with their passes.

Shooting Drills:
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Ball Handling Drills:
STATIONARY BALL MOVEMENT Ball handling with no movement and no dribbling.
BALL HANDLING W/1 BALL Ball handling with a single ball, lots of skill sets.
BALL HANDLING W/2 BALLS Ball handling with two balls, great for really developing!
BALL HANDLING VIDEOS Our video clip series showing the ball handling drills and moves.
Dribbling Drills:
MULTIPLE DRILLS Lots of easy to follow drills in a text format.
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Rebounding Drills:
MULTIPLE DRILLS These basic rebounding drills have been around for ages, text format.
MOVE UNDER Begin with this, locate ball, get under, jump, grab, chin and pivot!
3 PLAYER WEAVE Good drill with 3 players weaving, tipping off backboard. Goes fast!
HELPSIDE & RECOVER How to rebound defensivly after helpside rotations.
CIRCLE BALL 4 on 4 getting very physical around a circle fighting for ball.
5 ON 5 OUTLET-BREAK Very intense drill that adds defensive outlet and fast break.
2 ON 2 BOXOUT Defense works to box out and offense fights to rebound. Lots of action!
SHOOT IT-BOXOUT Stresses boxing out or you're running laps baby.
CLOSE-BOXOUT 10 players to find their offensive person, close in on them and after shot and box out.
Footwork Drills:
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Post Drills:
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Perimeter Drills:
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Offensive Drills:
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Defensive Drills:
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Fast Break Drills:
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Pre-game Drills:
PRE-GAME #1 Offers good passing, movement and shooting options.
PRE-GAME #2 Offers good inside passing, footwork and power shooting options.
PRE-GAME #3 Offers long passing, movement and power shooting options, no dribbling.
PRE-GAME #4 Great for creating a lot of actions and movement. Catch and shoot.
PRE-GAME #5 Good drill using 2 balls that keeps the action going.
PRE-GAME #6 Good drill that instills aggressively following your shot and taking it hard to the rim.
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